The library – in existence since the foundation of the Museum in 1930 – consists of a collection of modern books on the history of science that has since then been continually updated and the antique Medici-Lorraine Collections, previously housed in the Reale Museo di Fisica e Storia Naturale in the Palazzo Torrigiani. In addition, the Museum inherited an important archive of documents pertaining to the history of science in Tuscany since the end of the 18th century. In 1966 the library was situated on the first floor of the Palazzo Castellani and was therefore spared the worst. However, some volumes which were on display together with other exhibits in glass cases on the ground floor suffered severe damage. Full documentation of the flood and its consequences, including the complex efforts required to save the exhibits, is conserved in the archives.
The library of the Institute and Museum of the History of Science, ca. 1948
Vedi tuttoThe present-day reading room
Vedi tuttoI giorni della rovina e del coraggio, "Epoca", 27 November 1966
Vedi tutto"Rundschau am Sonntag", 18 December 1966
Vedi tuttoLetter of Maria Luisa Righini Bonelli to Marie-Thérèse d'Alverny
Vedi tuttoLetter of Maria Luisa Righini Bonelli to Joachim O. Fleckenstein
Vedi tuttoLetter of Maria Luisa Righini Bonelli to Adalberto Pazzini
Vedi tuttoLetter of Maria Luisa Righini Bonelli to Alessandro Faedo
Vedi tuttoLetter of Maria Luisa Righini Bonelli to Carolyn Eisele
Vedi tuttoLetter to Maria Luisa Righini Bonelli from Friedrich Klemm
Vedi tuttoLetter to Maria Luisa Righini Bonelli from Peter O. Williams
Vedi tuttoLetter to Maria Luisa Righini Bonelli from John A. Chaldecott
Vedi tuttoLetter to Maria Luisa Righini Bonelli from Erna Lesky
Vedi tuttoLetter to Maria Luisa Righini Bonelli from Melvin Kranzberg
Vedi tuttoCoat of arms of the Accademia degli Infangati, January 1967
Vedi tutto"La Nazione", 21 February 1967
Vedi tutto"Dateline in science", 17 March 1967
Vedi tuttoJ. Judge, Florence rises from the flood, "National Geographic", July 1967
Vedi tuttoMaria Luisa Righini Bonelli, L'alluvione di Firenze e il Museo di storia della scienza, offprint from "Coelum", 1967
Vedi tuttoMaria Luisa Righini Bonelli, Museo di storia della scienza, offprint from "Antichità viva", 1967
Vedi tuttoCatalogue of the first items to be restored, on display in the Loggia Rucellai
Vedi tuttoA room on the ground floor was dedicated to the Sienese anatomist Paolo Mascagni (1755-1815), who worked for a time at the Reale Museo di Fisica e Storia Naturale in Florence. The exhibit was curated by the scholar Federico Allodi (1900-1967), who had himself donated many objects to the Museum – anatomical models, chalcographic plates, a portrait, and some books, including a copy of Mascagni’s Anatomia universale, printed in Florence in 1833. Fished out of the mud some days after the flood, this magnificent volume with its 150 engravings, some of them coloured by hand, was considered to be beyond repair. It finally underwent restoration in 2015, thanks to grants from the regional government of Tuscany and private donors. In the first phase of the cleaning process, the conservators removed no less than a kilo of sediment from the book’s pages.
The room dedicated to Paolo Mascagni, as it was before the flood, 1966
Vedi tuttoMascagni's Anatomia universale showing the severe damage caused by the flood
Vedi tuttoPreparing the restoration of the volume, 2014
Vedi tuttoPaolo Mascagni, Anatomia universale, Florence,V. Batelli e figli, 1833
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