The Prima Esposizione Nazionale di Storia della Scienza [First National Exposition of the History of Science] was held at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in the Parterre of San Gallo, just outside the historic center and in the vicinity of the quarter known as "le Cure". The building, erected to the project of the architect Enrico Dante Fantappiè and the engineer Vittorio Tognetti, had been inaugurated in 1922 and was designed to host temporary exhibitions of modern art. The Palazzo, in eclectically neoclassic style, had two floors, one on the basement level, the other above ground. The main floor was organized around two great central halls. Near the end of the '30s it was demolished and the Parterre itself was entirely rebuilt by the architects Sirio Pastorini and Mario Pellegrini, who designed the so-called Giardino dei Littoriali [Garden of the Lictorians]. On the occasion of the First National Exposition of the History of Science, three small pavilions were also built, designed by the architect Brunetto Chiaramonti, to be used for hosting special exhibitions curated by the Ministries.